Find things at night with Ni Glo, a glow in the dark keychain and marker for keys and all kinds of outdoor gear including backpacks, tents and SCUBA tanks. This rechargeable key fob is battery and tritium-free. It charges by sunlight or artificial light and glows brightly at first, then fades to a constant glow that can be seen all night. Use it to find gear at the campsite, signal the next big catch, or mark epic trails and dive sites. Whether it's outside or under water, don’t fumble around when the sun goes down. Use the Ni Glo Gear Marker.
- Easily attaches to gear with included keyring, clip, and joint; use it on keys, packs, dog collars, guylines, tent zippers, hammock clips, night fishing rods, and scuba tanks
- Charges within 10 minutes by sunlight, indoor light, flashlight, or headlamp; for best results, charge in direct sunlight for 2 hours and watch it glow for up to 10 hours
- Glowing light can be seen up to 25 ft. away; use it to mark a dive site, campsite, hiking trail, or the distance from a hunting blind
- IPX8 waterproof, dust-proof, and weatherproof; it glows in the rain, dust, or snow so you can take it anywhere on land or under water (164 ft deep)
- Small and lightweight, this illuminated keychain is only 2 inches tall and weighs under 0.3 oz; perfect for taking a handful in your pack
- Dispatch: Within 24 Hours
- Free shipping for Purchase Above RM200 (Sabah and Sarawak) & RM100 for Peninsula Malaysia.
- International delivery time - 7-10 business days
- Easy 7 days returns and exchanges
If you do not like the product you can return and exchange it within 7 days - no questions asked. This excludes underwear and clearance sale items.

MYR 110.00